Don’t tell me about work.
I was born to it. I love to work. I enjoy working, I take pride in my work and I love when others enjoy what I do and appreciate it. I hate it when they don’t. This, in very few words, is Yossi.
I guess it is part genetic and part educational, since I come from a long lineage of “working classes”, even if my personal memory does not carry beyond my grandparents.
My grandfathers, both maternal and paternal, worked - practically speaking - to the day they died of old age. One was a tailor, the other dealt in old ironmongery. My parents worked for as long as I remember. In poor Romania they practically worked around the clock to provide for our needs, some of it low-technical labor, some pure black. In Israel, my father met several types of hell when his legs got covered by burning bitumen while covering roofs, when sinking bare hands in the worst of chemicals while cleaning airplane motors, when working second shift in a slaughterhouse cleaning barrels full of blood and walls covered with entrails, with my mother and myself alongside him.
My mother started her “career” in Israel carrying on her back sacks weighing a few tens of kilograms - call it pounds if you wish - of textile material home, where she had to do all kinds of repairs to and then carry back. About a mile away. No sir, no car, no carriage, no bicycle - on foot. And later, when they closed the damn place, she went looking for work in a town further away, waking up 5am, taking the bus to work, back at 7pm. With my father taking care of all domestic duties, and with Saturdays holily dedicated to... house cleaning. She worked to the day she died. And she loved it. I know that if she lived one hundred years she would have worked one hundred years.
I inherited it. That love, dedication, enthusiasm of doing. I brought it all to my various work places and some bosses made their “fortunes” on my qualities. Some others, assholes, did not. Life.
During my professional life I accumulated hundreds of complimentary/appreciation/thanks messages, in a variety of forms: memos, telexes, faxes, and later on - emails, sms’s. While in between jobs, I had to go through the inevitable CV “creation” and while doing it I stumbled upon the original (yet not much appreciated, lol) idea of adding an appreciative quotation per year - mixing sources, expressions, etc. Just for the fun of it, I will do here the same. After all - as said, I take pride in good work. I am beyond workaholic - I am insane.
1978 ...he (the customer) was very enthusiastic about Yossi Faybish...
Dr. Dan Nichols, Sales Manager - Scitex Europe (Germany)
1979 ...I heard only good things about your integration, dedication and contribution...
Uzi Ish-Horowitz, General Manager - Scitex Corporate (Israel)
1980 ...we are going to need all your help which we know we can count on... your ideas and efforts are much appreciated...
Arthur Law, VP & EO - Scitex Corporate (Israel)
1981 ...Mr. Faybish really did his work with great interest and total dedication...
Jose Mitats, Owner - Virmit (Spain, customer)
1982 ...your work in the area of solving complicated problems at troubled customers was a major contribution to Scitex...
Jacob Rotschild, VP Customer Support - Scitex Europe (Belgium)
1983 ...I want to thank you... for the excellent work you have done in Thoroughly investigating, diagnosing and servicing... Advertiser...
Garry Reed, General Manager - Scitex Australia (Australia)
1984 ...Mr Peeters (customer) even said he would be ready to pay a flight ticket for Y. Faybish to come and repair them once and for all...
Avi Raby, Regional Service Manager - Scitex Europe (Belgium)
1985 ...please extend our thanks to... Y. Faybish... for... dedication and professional approach...
Larry Foley, Owner - Apex (England, customer)
1986 ...Yossi Faybish did an excellent job on site...
Jürgen Rehberg, Sales Director Engineering Systems - Scitex Europe (Belgium)
1987 ...thorough, hard working, talented...
Arie Rosenfeld, President & EO - Scitex Europe (Belgium)
1988 ...Yossi’s overall performance is excellent...
Uwe Brüns, VP Customer Support - Scitex Europe (Belgium)
1989 ...your kind attention and cooperation is most appreciated and is a great contribution...
Naoteru Komazaki, Service Manager - Scitex Nihon (Japan)
1990 ...I am glad you could care for our problem so soon...
Jan Wevling, System Manager - A/S Hjemmet (Norway, customer)
1991 was encouraging for us to learn that such complicated problems... could be solved with the help of your group...
Avner Israeli, Service Manager - Scitex International (Israel)
1992 ...I thank you again for the help and cooperation...
Moshe Broudo, Color Applications Manager - R&D Scitex Corporate (Israel)
1993 ...thanks to your cooperation our visit was very successful...
Yoshimitsu Tojo, Sales Manager - Scitex Nihon (Japan)
1994 ...once again, Yossi Faybish is the person Hjemmet Mortensen needs...
Shimon Alon, Managing Director - Scitex Europe (Belgium)
1995 ...he then got us in contact with Yossi Faybish... it was like a miracle happened... there was a person we could trust, who cared about our business and was able to... solve our problems... always kept his word... it is much easier to do business with persons you trust...
Gudmundur Benediktsson, Technical Manager - ODDI (Iceland, customer)
1996 ...just to express my thanks at your latest initiative... your support and attitude are a tremendous help...
David Birnbaum, Product Line Manager - Orbotech Corporate (Israel)
1997 ... I very much appreciate the constructive input which you have given, which will help us to continue improving the company’s ability to provide more useful and reliable data...
John Matheson, Finance and Accounting Director - Orbotech Europe (Belgium)
1998 ... I wish to take the opportunity to say again to you and the whole logistic team that you have done very good work in 1997...
Ronen Zexer, VP Customer Support - Orbotech Europe (Belgium)
1999 ... it is a very impressive tool, very good job...
Reuven Losh, Regional Customer Support Manager - Orbotech Europe (Germany)
2000 ... hope that such support will continue into the distant future...
Mike Seal, Technical Manger - Stevenage (UK, customer)
2001 ... Yossi has shown the ability to handle all situations with a high degree of professionalism seldom found today, his composure does not change even under the greatest of stress and excellent abilities for problem solving whether they are of a technical or logistical nature...
Kevin Smith, Image Product Marketing Manager - Orbotech Europe (Belgium)
2002 ... to me you are and will always be a gentleman, someone who is straight, fair, intelligent and wise...
Kathy Jeuniaux, Receptionist - Orbotech Europe (Belgium)
2003 ... Yea!!! Yossi, I really enjoy working with you. I have heard very good things about you...
Teresa Patrick, Project Manager - HP Boise (USA)
2004 ... everything has been solved, thanks to Yossi!...
Muriel Laplume, Logistics Aministrator - Indigo Europe (Netherland)
2005 ... Thank you very much for a fast reply and a prompt fixing of our problem...
Lars Renneby, Service Manager - Visutech (Sweden)
2006 ... Thanks for the great work and leadership enabling IPEX to be a big success. We could never have done it without the service team and your leadership...
Alon Bar-Shany, General Manager - Indigo (Israel)
2007 ... I think we all worship the strength you gave to each of us... You gave my life the direction I needed...
Ghis Vandebosch, Competency Center Coordinator - Indigo Europe (Netherland)
2008 ... Simon... is very happy with the work you have done there and it now puts me in a good position to secure the FB6100 order tomorrow. Thanks again for your support...
Steve Lakin, Sales Executive - HP UK (UK)
2009 ... Thanks for all your hard work and well done!...
Nancy Janes, Country Manager - HP UK & Ireland (UK)
2010 ... One more piece of good news. Thanks to Yossi, we managed to...
Sameh Tadros, Regional Support Manager - HP CEE & MEA (Dubai)
2011 ... Fantastic Yossi!...
Jason Farr, Director - Fosco (UK, customer)
2012 ... the excellent job being led by Yossi is a benchmark for the future...
Pere Estañol, Support Manager - HP EMEA (Spain)
2013 ... we will miss your passion and professionalism, you are the "everything is possible"...
Marco Antonio Gonzalez, Competence and Installation Manager - HP EMEA (Spain)
2014 ... P R O F E S S I O N A L !...
Yevgeny Kagan, Team Leader Competence and Installation - HP EMEA (Germany)
2015 ... Thanks for taking ownership (which you are always ready to do) and following up the situation...
Keith Matthews, Director and Owner - Dennison Ltd. (UK)
2016 ... Thanks for your prompt support for the customer ... they did appreciate ... and they recognized our efforts...
Walter Nackaerts, General Manager - AVT Europe (Belgium)
2017 ... will of course be in touch as we will need your assistance on this project. Thank you for your assistance so far...
Alan O’Brien, Director of Technology - GPMI Ltd. (Ireland)
2018 ... I can see that a hard rocker never gets old!!! Good job and thanks for keeping delivering this big TCE!!...
Marco Antonio Gonzalez, Service Manager PWP & LFI - HP EMEA (Spain)
2019 ... You are a star...
Roy Milner, Managing Director and owner - Dennison Group (UK)
2020 ... Must say that (the engineer) was impressed and humbled to work with you...
Marat Braverman, EMEA & APJ Service Manager - Highcon (Israel)
2021 ... Excellent stuff, Yossi...
Eoin Honan, Managing Director - GPMI Ltd. (Ireland)