Work - nur Home Page at work


a bit about it...

It was the shortest span of time I spent in any company, measured in... months. Four of them. Yes, just four months and this of no fault of my own. Seems that HP were so desperate losing me, and so desperate to get me back that they rushed and bought Nur just to get me back :):):). Well, sure, I exaggerate a bit... just a bit, lol.

Seems that at the moment I left Indigo (following HP's heavy handling there), and unknown to me or to the one who hired me at Nur - HP was already envisaging buying out Nur, as part of their drive to expand in the digital printing world, wide-format this time. They had acquired already 2 years earlier the Scitex Vision wide-format, however they were in need for a 5meter machine. The Scitex development of such machine was lagging, Nur had a working one and Nur management was eager to sell - so HP bought it. If I had known it in advance I would not have left the position and the money behind at Indigo, for such a short term adventure. Risking as well my future in the process. Yet, I cannot say that I feel sorry for this step. Being once again my own boss, feeling I could start moving things, getting to grips with new and exciting challenges... it was worth it. As someone who thrives on trouble, problems, down customers and stress - I enjoyed every day of these four months. Thus, my dear friend Glyn who dragged me over - have no qualms of conscience over it since I am content with the event.

The mess was the same as elsewhere, the quality of the machines as low as everywhere, some characters were detestable some were delectable - for me it was falling in waters I knew to swim in. Sharks around... a pleasure. And the year-end party which was also the "closure" party was as pleasant an event as any in a small company. One does not have such events in a big company. Thank you Nur for that short start-up like "spring of Prague" towards the end of my professional life.

not much of history...


NUR Last Supper... with key acting Characters

























