I did not know I have so many brothers.
The Argentinian, the Ukrainian, the Ethiopian, the French,
the Orthodox, the Atheist, the Leftist, the Rightist, the Accountant,
the Falafelseller, the Student, the Programmer, the Designer, the Teacher,
the Druze, the Bedouin, the Female, the Transgender, the Oncedrugged,
the Midget, the Shy, the Loudmouth, the Singer, the Magician, the Kibbutznik,
the Divorcee, the Freshlymarried, the SomanyothersIfailtomention.
The Human. Brothers. My brothers.
So many there. So many not there anymore. An overflowing heart.
A giant hole in the heart.
Sure, statistics oblige, I have also some horrible brothers...
the Drizella, the Gargamel, the Lucreziaborgia and similar.
Wonder I hate statistics?
But I run double strikethrough through these. Tfu tfu tfu!
Sun Tzu was wrong. Keep your friends close and your brothers closer!
I have a thousand brothers and more.
Concrete. Steel. Diamond.
now I know.
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