I write this epilogue long before it is time to write it. Just in case some misfortune befalls me and prevents me from writing it and, God forbid, get the book published without it. If it ever gets found. If it ever gets published, even self-published. After all, “leftovers” are not necessarily what people look forward to, even if “leftovers” are also not necessarily what I write either. But maybe there won’t be sufficient time to write more than just... leftovers. Oh, the headache...
There is one worry I will unfortunately carry on, writing this untimely epilogue: what happens if I outlive the publication of the book? I will not be able to write a better ending, if for no other reason than that I hate wasting writing effort and I will not be able to feel sorry for myself.
Come to think of it – in the event of my untimely demise I will also not be able to feel sorry for myself, so what’s the difference? Oh, the headache...