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  Green Eyes, Little Green Men, And Spinach

I don't believe in astrology; I'm a Sagittarius and we're skeptical.

~Sri Lankabhimanya Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

Paper. The most resistant material in human history. Was and is and will be.

Sure, paper had undergone a variety of technological metamorphoses, as per the passing of time and our increased dependency on it: stone, wood, magnetic dust, optical dents, electric charges... Irrelevant the name one continually re-baptizes it with – it is still paper. Memory. Inerasable, ineffaceable, indestructible.

I entrust my work to paper as well. God knows which metamorphose will come to exist after my passing away, so what – once it is there on one kind, the others is just copy’n’paste, kind of. Hoping, certainly, someone will find it worthy of doing the copy’n’paste’ing effort. Even if not – told you already, once it is laid down, it becomes indestructible. Automatically.

No way, ha-ha, that’s why I use A5 size, no way to wrap future sandwiches in it.

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