I don’t know which side of the fence I landed in – Hell or Heaven.
I guess it didn’t matter much,
too benign to be Hell, too bland to be Heaven
and all I cared about was finding her (doesn’t matter who her) so many years later.
I knew it was bound to happen,
I knew whichever side I would be she would be the other side
I knew we still had unfinished business unfitting for either Hell or Heaven,
I kept searching, investigating, roaming the endless space at our disposal
I found it.
Not her but it – the fine print, the loophole, the hole... YES, the hole. Literally.
See, there probably was, eons ago, someone as interested as I was
and this unidentified someone identified something
which allowed drilling a hole in the fence, and drill he did.
And hole I found.
And (as in any good story) hole she found too.
Hi there love, I whispered through the hole.
Hi there love, she whispered back through the hole.
And we exchanged banalities
and we exchanged memories
and we exchanged passionate words that could have driven us up over the fence
only the fence was taller than we could ever have hoped to escalate.
Lover, we have unfinished... hot business to finish, you know? I wailed
rolling thin rolls of A4 parchment and pushing hot poetry her way through the hole.
I know, she wailed back, and whiffs pertaining to femininity rather than ghostility
wafted my way through the hole driving me insane with desire.
Lover, maybe I could get ahm your way through the hole? I dared ask, and you...
The hole is too narrow, oh, lover mine, she wailed her distress at the idea.
Then maybe I could push a finger through the hole, and you... I tried further.
The fence is too thick, she wailed even higher distress at my lack of imagination.
So what about I push my tongue...
The hole is too high, I cannot jump that high...
Poor I kept offering solutions from a long list containing mirrors,
broomsticks, cigars, beads, balloons, harp strings, old haloes, tails, horns, etc.
poor she kept shooting them down one by one with objection following objection
I was dying, she was dying...
(manner of speaking, we were both dead already)
Lover, this is Hell, I finally yelled at the top of my lungs.
Lover, this is Hell, she yelled back at the top of her lungs.
“Who dares defy creation?” boomed a third voice back,
“who dares say both sides of the fence are Hell when one should know better?”
and suddenly we (I and she) were side by side on a cloud, infinity between us
and the booming voice started admonishing recalcitrant us with a boring speech
which I could not time in that timeless nether but it was certainly long.
It ended.
The speech.
“Your punishment will be draconian, frightening, gruesome,
such as never before and never after,” concluded the boom.
“You will be placed together in a time capsule, a one day time capsule,
at the end of which you will be separated forever
and you will have forever to remember that which will be forever denied to you.
And the hole will be closed forever, ha ha ha. So say I.”
As if we wanted anything else.
As if it was not what we always wanted and never got, until then.
As if...
We did not date at a restaurant, there are no restaurants there.
We did not undress each other, there are no clothes there.
We invaded each other the way molten metals invade each other
we tore at each other the way beasts tear at each other
we caressed each other the way a butterfly caresses a petal
a breeze caresses a thread of smoke
a human caresses a human.
Though humans we were not. Anymore. After.
We never met again.
The hole was never found again.
Yet we never stopped rejoicing in the horrors of the punishment inflicted
writing love poems
love stories
love promises to each other,
we had eternity, we had to make inexistent time pass, somehow.
I know about me,
I guess about her.
I am now at volume four thousand sixty two and going strong.
If anyone wonders what tools we use to write,
well – we write on parchment smuggled up from Earth
with pens made of discarded feathers, thousands of those,
and the ink is a complex composition of sooth, fine fuel particles
and paint scrapped from satellite leftovers floating all around
(one thing there’s no shortage of over here, is mad scientists, thank... God?)
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