you rush to the screen, your hands full of flour...
damn, again this Viagra ad, the bastards spelling it via gra
to fool the spam detectors.
There is one detector they don’t fool,
and your flour covered spam finger clicks a virtual button
and via gra joins its brothers in sin and bin.
More flour afterwards, some oil, salt, three eggs...
I hope they don’t go through the usual cycle again, you simmer,
there is another email I am waiting for,
and you rush to the screen once more. Damn, once more.
They do go through the same cycle,
now tempting you with sackfuls of m&m’s, colorful, tasteful... spam!
your spam finger talks again,
smearing a few keys with flour, and oil, and salt, and egg yolk
and the invader dies. Yippee... you don’t feel like celebrating,
you just scold the screen into the punishment corner
and return to the kitchen. beep!
No, they don’t fool you this time,
you know that the next one will be honey tasting vaginal oil,
and the next one... beep!
You hesitate between carrying with you a heavy pot to the screen
or nothing, and you prefer nothing just in case you lose control...
Damn, damn! This time you mumble to yourself
as the vaginal honey oil was the second beep. The first was an email from him.
And you missed it by several excruciatingly painful seconds.
Dear lover, please come...
You do not faint, you are not the fainting type.
You sit next to the screen
leaving flour and oil and salt and egg and some late coming fried onions
all over the keyboard,
and you type in your order.
Then return to the kitchen, humming.
beep! You don’t care anymore,
what comes next, usually?... ahh... the million dollars win.
You can’t resist and peek at the screen...
the stingy, penny-pinching, close-fisted bastards,
only one hundred thousand this time.
You rush, towards me,
I catch you, hug you, oh, that hard body that I missed
carrying that laughter that I missed
adorning that woman whom I missed.
In the room. You still talk. I still listen.
The unpleasant flight attendant, the handsome passenger, the warm coke,
the via gra spam...
“I know, I get it too,” I interrupt the flow, “voie gras,”
and I try to impress you with my French accent.
“No, that’s foie gras,” you try to impress me back,
“that’s a different spelling, I’m talking about...”
“I know it’s spelled differently,” I interrupt again, impatiently, “f like f...”
Your finger shoots into my mouth,
aware of my dirty spelling intentions
and I choke on smells of lilac and promises of lust.
“Mine is without s...” you specify,
and I give up on the promises of lust for the right to righteous indignation,
I pull my mouth away from around your finger to voice my protest...
“Without ass?”
then chase the finger again and let it invade me.
For whatever reason, you pity me. In a gentle way.
“Close your eyes,” you say.
I have no choice but remove my mouth from around your finger once more,
the voice of my protest breaking hearts (had there been any hearts around).
“First no ass. Then eyes closed. What’s that, medieval inquisition?”
“Close your eyes,” you repeat patiently, “brought you something.”
Oh, that sounds promising. I obey. “Now, open your! no peeking,”
and I am left choiceless and lightless, relying on your kindness of heart...
oh, no, I hope not foie gras, I wouldn’t mind the other thing without ass
but not foie gras... I want to tell you but my mouth is open...
I hear some rustling sounds,
something squeezes itself between my lips,
hard, I roll my tongue around it several times, suck it, lick it,
it starts melting...
ahmm... and then realization downs on me
and I drop the a and the h to be left only with the mm...
making sure it is exactly the same number of m’s
as in the source of my delight, m&m’s...
“Open it, again.”
It wasn’t so bad first time around, what’s there to lose?
and I open it again.
I hear some rustling sounds, different,
something squeezes itself between my lips,
hard, I roll my tongue around it several times, suck it, lick it,
for whatever reason it does not start melting,
it even refuses to be swallowed and yelps when I try to bite into it...
ahmm... and then realization downs on me
and I drop the a and the h to be left only with the mm...
trying my best to make sure it is exactly the same number of m’s
as the number of p’s in the source of my delights,
yet failing miserably as the m’s refuse to end
turning my once coherent language skills into gasps of mm... mm... mm...
Will it ever end?
“Open your mouth,” I hear you.
I’d rather die, but I cannot talk. I open it.
“Stick your tongue out.”
Okay, you may think you can fool me
but I know when you get me ready for a portion of ice cream.
Something engulfs my tongue, hey, it is not cold,
actually quite warm,
I roll my tongue around several times, suck it, lick it...
well, its taste is reminiscent of honey...
ahmm... then sudden realization downs on me.
I hardly have time to drop the a and the h and the pants,
and the rest of the story, unfortunately, will have to stay shrouded,
in mm... etc.
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