I left my window open
Didn’t know until I heard the buzz... or hum... or what was it
and my smashing hand froze mid way into the strike
when I heard it again... the voice... hi.
I crawled to the night lamp
suddenly frightened... click... you were not a butterfly.
Not a moth, centipede, mosquito, gnat, bat, elephant,
not even a woman,
or a story,
or a fairy crossing a bridge,
what were you?
What are you?
Hi... you buzzed or hummed or barked or sang or whatever,
inspecting the white strain inside my chest’s curls
and the musty granite inside my frozen muscle
and the screaming flame beyond iris and nerve and straight into the brain,
testing my ageless rage and bottomless velvet
before entrusting me with the nest
clinging to the tip of my nose.
For days no end I walked around cross eyed,
carefully where I stepped and where I stuck my nose
watching you brush your wings and cleanse your body
and making love
and winking impudently, loving.
From time to time you let me caress your smoothness,
with one finger,
then shyly you fluttered away
to hide beneath a cabbage leaf
until the blush would fade away.
We weren’t of the same species,
we fell in love disregarding the gap
and the fact that one day my nose would probably fall off
and you would need another nest for your heart,
mainly for your heart.
But until then you bit chomps off my nose, chewing delightedly,
and from time to time wandered inside my clothes
and while I held my breath afraid to crush you
you would bit off other pieces of flesh
looking for your species’ delicacies
and pleasure.
It was worth the pain hearing, so few times,
the squeals of puppy insanity
once you would find a spot
of ethereal delight
and linger there for hours.
I learned to breathe through my skin
not willing to lose
the moment.